Observation Data

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
28 29 30 31 1 E-Callisto 2 E-Callisto 3 E-Callisto
4 E-Callisto 5 E-Callisto 6 E-Callisto 7 E-Callisto 8 E-Callisto 9 E-Callisto 10 E-Callisto
11 E-Callisto 12 E-Callisto 13 E-Callisto 14 E-Callisto 15 E-Callisto 16 E-Callisto 17 E-Callisto
18 E-Callisto 19 E-Callisto 20 E-Callisto 21 E-Callisto 22 E-Callisto 23 E-Callisto 24 E-Callisto
25 E-Callisto 26 E-Callisto 27 E-Callisto 28 E-Callisto 29 E-Callisto 1 2

The data can be retrieved from 2007-10-04.
* Please contact the system administrator if you have any trouble while downloading. sos@kasi.re.kr